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Community Resilience Interventions: Participatory, Assessment-Based, Action-Oriented Processes


This article compares six interventions to enhance community resilience. In this review, underlying principles for community resilience interventions are (a) use a multihazard approach relevant to the local context, (b) utilize community assessment, (c) focus on community engagement, (d) adhere to bioethical principles, (e) emphasize both assets and needs, and (f) encourage skill development. The interventions are compared with respect to parameters that address their foundation, methodology, and implementation.

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Full Citation:

Pfefferbaum, Betty, and Rose L. Pfefferbaum, Richard L. Van Horn. 2014. "Community Resilience Interventions: Participatory, Assessment-Based, Action-Oriented Processes." American Behavioral Scientist (September): 1-16. http://abs.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/09/22/0002764214550298.abstract.