Incident Summary:

06/21/1998: Three members of the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts (ALF and ELF) placed and ignited two incendiary devices outside the U.S.D.A. Animal Damage Control (ADC) facility in Olympia, Washington in the United States. Each device, consisting of two five-gallon plastic buckets filled with a mixture of gasoline, heavy petroleum distillate and detergent, functioned properly and the fire spread to a wood fiber/paraffin solid fuel mixture and then to the bucketed fuel. There were no casualties in the incident. The fire caused approximately $500,000 in damage. A few hours prior to the ADC arson, the perpetrators ignited fuel filled buckets at the U.S.D.A. APHIS facility, also in Olympia, Washington, only about 12 miles from the ADC building. The groups claimed responsibility for the arsons in communiqué, stating that the acts were a "great cleansing process" and "This war on wildlife and nature must end! We will not stop until it does." The perpetrators were part of a group calling themselves "The Family," which committed nearly 20 arson and ecotage attacks over a 6 year period.



United States

North America

region/u.s. state:



Location Details:
at the U.S.D.A Animal Damage Control (ADC) facility at 720 Oleary Street Northwest in Olympia, Washington

Attack Information
Type of Attack (more) Facility/Infrastructure Attack
Successful Attack? (more) Yes
Target Information (more)
Target Type: Government (General)
Name of Entity US Department of Agriculture
Specific Description Animal Damage Control (ADC) facility
Nationality of Target United States
Additional Information
Hostages No
Ransom No
Property Damage Yes
Extent of Property Damage Minor (likely < $1 million)
Value of Property Damage $500,000.00
Weapon Information
Type Sub-type
Incendiary Gasoline or Alcohol
Weapon Details
two incendiary devices composed of two five-gallon plastic buckets filled with a mixture of gasoline, heavy petroleum distillate and detergent, as well as delayed igniters in which an alarm clock functioned to complete an electric circuit between a 9- volt battery and a lamp filament, which heated up and ignited matches
Additional Information
Suicide Attack?No
Part of Multiple Incident?Yes
Criterion 1 (more) Yes
Criterion 2 (more) Yes
Criterion 3 (more) Yes
Doubt Terrorism Proper (more) No
Additional Information The incident occurred at about 4:20am. This is linked to the prior arson at the APHIS facility also in Olympia, not far from the ADC building (62198). The perpetrators were part of a group calling themselves "The Family," which committed nearly 20 arson and ecotage attacks over a 6 year period. Ferguson became a government informant and witness, landing him a sentence of 2 years probation, Tubbs was sentenced to 12 years and 7 months in prison for his involvement in various arson incidents, and Rodgers committed suicide while in custody at an Arizona jail in 2005. Joseph Dibee and Josephine Overaker were also involved in the extensive research and planning of these arsons, but were not at the scenes.
Perpetrator Group Information
Group Name Group Sub-name Claimed Responsibility
Animal Liberation Front (ALF) The Family Yes (Confirmed: Unknown; Mode: Letter)
Earth Liberation Front (ELF) The Family Yes (Confirmed: Unknown; Mode: Letter)
Perpetrator Statistics
Number of Perpetrators 3
Number of Captured Perpetrators 3
Casualty Information
Total Number of Casualties 0 Fatalities / 0 Injured
Total Number of Fatalities 0
Number of U.S. Fatalities 0
Number of Perpetrator Fatalities 0
Total Number of Injured 0
Number of U.S. Injured 0
Number of Perpetrators Injured 0
U.S. Government’s Sentencing Memorandum for CR 06-60069, CR 06-60070, CR 06-60071, CR 06-60078, CR 06-60079, CR 06-60080, CR 06-60120, CR 06-60122, CR 06-60123, CR 06-60124, CR06-60125, and CR 06-60126. U.S. District Court: District of Oregon, Eugene, 2007.
David Ammons, "Animal-Rights Groups Admit Setting Fires," The Oregonian, July 2, 1998.
Brent L. Smith and Kelly R. Damphousse, " Patterns of precursor behaviors in the life span of a U.S. environmental terrorist group," Criminology & Public Policy, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2009.