A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Financial Activities Linked to Persons from Sweden and Denmark who Joined Terrorist Groups in Syria and Iraq During the Period 2013-2016


This report presents the results of a study of Swedish individuals suspected to have travelled or attempted to travel to the conflict area in Syria and Iraq to support the activities of terrorist groups during the period 2013‐2016.  The aim of the study is to highlight the financial footprints and signals these foreign terrorist fighters leave behind and based on this knowledge determine the conditions in place to identify such activities in the future. The study was commissioned by Finansinspektionen with the goal of contributing to better insight and knowledge among anti‐crime authorities, supervisory authorities and national operators subject to the anti‐money laundering legislation with regard to foreign terrorist fighters. 

Publication Information

Full Citation:

Normark, Magnus, Magnus Ranstorp, and Filip Ahlin. 2017. "Financial Activities Linked to Persons from Sweden and Denmark who Joined Terrorist Groups in Syria and Iraq During the Period 2013-2016." Swedish Defence University. https://www.fi.se/contentassets/a681b5c7b9a140658acb86f3057c6c86/terrorismfinansiering-fi-cats-2017-engny2.pdf

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