Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness: Integrating Public Relations Scholarship with Practice
Yan Jin
Risk Communication
Counter‐terrorism Policies in the Middle East: Why Democracy Has Failed to Reduce Terrorism in the Middle East and Why Protecting Human Rights Might Be More Successful
Gary LaFree
Journal Article
Middle East and North Africa
The Association Between Parent-reported Child Disaster Reactions and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Parent Survivors of Disasters and Terrorism
Betty Pfefferbaum
Journal Article
Direct Effects: The Impact of COVID-19 on First Responders
Nathan Meehan
Research Brief
Resilience, Risk Communication
North America
Characteristics and Targets of Mass Casualty Hate Crime Offenders
Michael Jensen, Sheehan Kane
Research Brief
Crime and Terrorism
North America
Environmental Effects: Changes in Demand for First Responders due to COVID-19
Nathan Meehan
Research Brief
Resilience, Risk Communication
North America
Indirect Effects: The Impact of COVID-19 on Organizations & Service Delivery
Nathan Meehan
Research Brief
Resilience, Risk Communication
North America
American Deaths in Terrorist Attacks, 1995-2019
Erin Miller
Research Brief
Terrorism and Society
North America
Reconsidering American Civil-Military Relations: The Military, Society, Politics, and Modern War
Risa Brooks
Individual Behavior
North America
A Tragedy in Three Acts: COVID-19 and Compounding Crises
William Braniff, Barnett S. Koven, Madeline Romm
Research Brief
Resilience, Risk Communication
North America
Violent Hate Crime Offenders
Michael Jensen, Sheehan Kane
Research Brief
Crime and Terrorism
North America
Motivations and Characteristics of Hate Crime Offenders
Michael Jensen, Sheehan Kane
Research Brief
Crime and Terrorism
North America
In the Eye of the Storm: An Update: Managing Terrorism and Asymmetric Threats during Covid-19
William Braniff
Terrorism and Society, Counterterrorism
COVID-19: Implications for First Responders
William Braniff, Barnett S. Koven
Resilience, Risk Communication
North America
A Comparative Study of Initial Involvement in Gangs and Political Extremism
David C. Pyrooz, Gary LaFree, Patrick James, Scott H. Decker
Journal Article
Radical Beliefs and Behavior
North America
Risk and Resilience in Children in the Context of Mass Trauma
Betty Pfefferbaum
Journal Article
Impact of Perceived Peer Attitudes and Social Network Diversity on Violent Extremist Intentions
Anthony Lemieux
Journal Article
Radical Beliefs and Behavior
Threat, Emboldenment, or Both? The Effects of Political Power on Violent Hate Crimes
Erica Chenoweth, Laura Dugan
Journal Article
Violent Groups and Movements
North America
Comparing Different Sources of Data to Examine Trends of Hate Crime in Absence of Official Registers
Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak
Journal Article
Violent Groups and Movements
South America
Former Extremists in Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization Research
Peter Simi
Book Chapter
Countering Violent Extremism
PROTOCOL: Cognitive and Behavioral Radicalization: A Systematic Review of the Putative Risk and Protective Factors
David Weisburd
Journal Article
Radical Beliefs and Behavior
The Crisis Within Jihadism: The Islamic State’s Puritanism vs. al-Qa`ida’s Populism
Mohammed Hafez
Journal Article
Violent Groups and Movements
Middle East and North Africa
Project Fact Sheet: Monitor and Mitigate: The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Safety
Amy Pate, Barnett S. Koven, Nathan Meehan
Project Fact Sheet
Resilience, Risk Communication
North America
Private Militaries and the Security Industry in Civil Wars: Competition and Market Accountability
Elizabeth Radziszewski
Violent Groups and Movements
Clearing the Smoke and Breaking the Mirrors: Using Attitudinal Inoculation to Challenge Online Disinformation by Extremists
Kurt Braddock
Book Chapter
Countering Violent Extremism