Egle E. Murauskaite is a senior faculty specialist at the University of Maryland. Presently based in Lithuania, she works as a researcher and simulations designer for the ICONS Project. Egle is responsible for high-level political-military crises simulations in Europe, alongside academic research and government consulting projects. She has recently co-authored a book exploring the U.S., Russian, and Chinese perspectives on Gray Zone Warfare, and presently leads a research project on the impact of Western assistance in Ukraine. She has been working with unconventional security threats for the past 14 years – from gray zone warfare to proliferation of nuclear weapons. Egle is also a senior non-resident fellow with the Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis, and co-author of a monthly podcast “NYLA Update”. Egle lectures at Vilnius University and Kaunas University of Technology, and also regularly comments on security issues in national and international media. Egle holds a Master’s degree from Sciences Po Paris (International Security) and a Bachelor’s degree from SSE Riga (Economics and Business Management); her professional experience spans the Netherlands, Australia, Egypt, France, and the U.S. Aside from her work on security issues, Egle actively engages in cultural and community initiatives and interdisciplinary practices: she explores community dynamics in several of her podcasts and events, regularly chairs discussions at the National Drama theatre, engages in movement practices with differently abled people, and also leads therapeutic InnerDance sound and movement practices.
- Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France, Master of International Relations: Security Studies (Summa Cum Laude), 2012
- Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga), Latvia, Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration, 2008
- Independent Research Consultant, 2015
- Research and Training Specialist, START, 2014 – 2015
- Research Associate, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), 2012 – 2014
- Research Assistant, American University of Cairo, 2011