Department of Public Administration & Policy University at Albany, SUNY Milne 101, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12054
R. Karl Rethemeyer is Interim Dean of the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany - SUNY. Rethemeyer’s primary research interest is in social networks, their impact on social, political, and policy processes, and the methods used to study such networks. Dr. Rethemeyer’s work spans two programs of research. The first focuses on terrorism, terrorist organizations, terrorist networks, and counter-insurgency/stabilization operations. Dr. Rethemeyer is co-director of the Project on Violent Conflict (PVC), a research center focused on these topics. His Department of Homeland Security-funded work examines the determinants of terrorists’ network connections and how network structure affects the selection of targets & techniques, the lethality of terrorist organizations, and their propensity to choose or eschew lethal violence. Dr. Rethemeyer is also a co-investigator on a project funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) that examines the pursuit and use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons by terrorist organizations. Dr. Rethemeyer’s other program of research focuses on the structure and operation of collaborative and policy networks in the public sector. This work examines the challenges inherent in the management of collaborative provision of public goods and services and the political ramifications of engaging nonprofit and for-profit organizations in that effort. Dr. Rethemeyer received the Accenture Advances in Public Management Award for his research in this area.
- Harvard University, Ph.D., Public Policy, 2002
- London School of Economics and Political Science, M.S., Development Studies, 1993
- University of Pennsylvania, B.A., B.S., Economics, Summa Cum Laude, 1991
- 2009 Accenture Advances Award for Best Article in International Public Management Journal, Volume 11
- Minnowbrook III Emerging Scholar Invitee, 2008
- Department of Homeland Security START Fellow, August 2006 - July 2007
- 2005 Laverne Burchfield Award for Best Book Review in Public Administration Review, Volume 64
State University of New York (SUNY) - University at Albany:
- Interim Dean, Rockefeller College pf Public Affairs and Policy, 2015-present
- Associate Dean, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, 2012-2015
- Chair, Department of Public Administration and Policy, 2009 - present
- Associate Professor of Public Administration and Policy, 2009 - present
- Assistant Professor of Public Administration and Policy, 2002 - 2009
- Director, Ph.D. in Public Administration and Policy Program, 2005-2009
- Director, Masters in Public Administration Program, 2003-2005