On August 3, 2011, the White House released a report and strategy statement on Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States.
Consistent with findings from much of START's research, the document notes that terrorism in the United States has been supported and executed by individuals and groups with a range of ideological and political beliefs. While al-Q'aeda inspired terrorism is a real danger for the United States at present, so too is violent extremist activity from the far-right, far-left, and from those focused on single-issues (such as eco-terrorists).
The START projects and publications listed below provide research insights into the nature of the threats facing the United States, as presented in the White House report. They also serve as a resource for information on engaging local communities as key actors in countering violent extremism, as emphasized by the White House.
START Resources
"Community-Level Indicators of Radicalization: A Data and Methods Task Force" . (2010) Report to Human Factors /Behavioral Sciences Division, Science and Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. College Park, MD:START.
"Surveying State Police Agencies about Domestic Terrorism and Far-Right Extremists" . (2008) START Research Brief. College Park, MD: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.
"Radicalization in Friction: Why Osama is Not Dead". Presentation and discussion with Clark McCauley and Sophia Moskalenko, May 2011.Event and presentation slides available.
Research in Progress
Violent Radicalization and Terrorist Recruitment in Somali Americans, Stevan Weine
Islamic Radicalization in Europe and North America: Parallels and Divergence, Gary Ackerman, Magnus Ranstorp, Peter Neumann, and John Sawyer
Geographic Concentrations of Violent Extremism and Terrorism in the United States, Gary LaFree, Kathleen Smarick, Bianca Bersani, Steven Chermak, Kelly Damphousse, Shira Fishman, Joshua Freilich, and Brent Smith
Terrorism and Extremist Violence in U.S. Counties,Gary LaFree, Kathleen Smarick, Amy Adamczyk, Victor Asal, Bianca Bersani, Steven Chermak, Kelly Damphousse, Kathleen Deloughery, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Joshua Freilich, Ryan King, Clark McCauley, Sophia Moskalenko, Fran Norris, R. Karl Rethemeyer, Kathleen Sherrieb, and Brent Smith