Katherine Worboys Izsak is the Academic Director at the University of Maryland's College of Information, or iSchool. Prior to this, she was START's Education Director and the University of Maryland’s Undergraduate and Graduate Director in the Program in Terrorism Studies. She directs and teaches in the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Minor and Graduate Certificate in Terrorism Analysis. Izsak also plays a key role in higher education administration within the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland, where she serves on committees overseeing undergraduate and graduate programs, and serves as the Dean’s representative on the Provost’s Commission on Learning Outcomes Assessment for the University of Maryland. She holds faculty affiliations in the University of Maryland’s Department of Anthropology and Honors College.
- University of Maryland, Graduate Certificate, Evaluation and Assessment, Educational Measurement and Statistics, 2014
- University of Michigan, Ph.D., History/Anthropology, 2005
- University of Michigan, M.A., History, 2002
- Duke University, B.A., History, 2000
- Distinguished Fellow, University of Maryland Academy for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2014
- Nominee, National Communications Association Public Relations PRIDE Award for Public Relations Education, 2014
- University of Maryland Provost’s Award for Excellence in Research and Education, 2010
- University of Maryland, Academic Director, College of Information 2018-Present
- University of Maryland, Faculty Affiliation, Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Undergraduates Program, Honors College, 2014-Present
- University of Maryland, Faculty Affiliation, Department of Anthropology, 2011-Present
- University of Maryland, START Education Director, 2006-2018
- University of Maryland, Undergraduate and Graduate Director, Program in Terrorism Studies, 2006-Present
- University of Maryland, Faculty Affiliation, Department of English, 2011-2013