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A consortium of researchers dedicated to improving the understanding of the human causes and consequences of terrorism

Chemical Threats

Title Sort descending Investigators Project Period
Advancing U.S. CWMD/CWMT Capabilities in Support of the SIGMA+ Program through Development of Anticipatory Human Social Systems Models and Adversary Weapon Selection Decision Processes Steve S. Sin, Ph.D., Thomas Guarrieri -
Anatomizing the Behavior of Chemical and Biological Non-State Adversaries Gary Ackerman, Victor Asal -
Country Reports on Terrorism - Statistical Annex Gary LaFree, Erin Miller -
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency SIGMA+ Thomas Guarrieri, Marcus A. Boyd, Steve S. Sin, Ph.D. -
Domestic Weapons of Mass Destruction: Populations at Risk from U.S. Chemical Facilities Releases Susan Cutter -
Dynamics of Terrorism and Counterterrorism Campaigns Gary Ackerman, Joseph Young, R. Karl Rethemeyer, Victor Asal -
Global Terrorism Database (GTD) Erin Miller, Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan -
Global Terrorism Database (GTD) Acceleration Erin Miller -
Integrated Discovery of Emerging and Novel Technologies (IDENT) Steve S. Sin, Ph.D. -
More Bang for the Buck?: Examining the Effect of Technological Change on Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction Gary Ackerman, Jeffrey Bale -
New Analytical Methods for the Exploitation of Open-Source Structured Databases to Enhance Situational Awareness for Effective Counter-WMD Strategies Ronald Breiger, Gary Ackerman, Victor Asal, H. Brinton Milward, R. Karl Rethemeyer -
Profiles of Incidents Involving CBRN and Non-state Actors (POICN) Database Markus Binder -
Profiling the CB Adversary: Motivation, Psychology and Decision Gary Ackerman -
Terrorism and Targeted Violence in the United States Erin Miller, Michael Jensen -
Project Title Sort descending Publication Date Publication Type
A semi-stochastic algorithm approach to generating CBRNE terrorist attack plot scenarios 2023-07-24T12:00:00 Journal Article
An Army of One: Assessing CBRN Pursuit and Use by Lone Wolves and Autonomous Cells 2014-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Anatomizing Chemical and Biological Non-State Adversaries 2014-03-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Application of a Profile Similarity Methodology for Identifying Terrorist Groups That Use or Pursue CBRN Weapons 2017-09-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Aum Shinrikyo’s Nuclear and Chemical Weapons Development Efforts 2016-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Biosecurity in the Americas: Regional Threat Assessment 2023-07-17T12:00:00 Report
CBRN Activity and Attacks by Insurgent Organizations 2015-10-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
CBRN Terrorism 2023-02-22T12:00:00 Journal Article
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Terrorism 2018-04-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Connections Can Be Toxic: Terrorist Organizational Factors and the Pursuit of CBRN Weapons 2012-02-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Defining Knowledge Gaps Within CBRN Terrorism Research 2009-01-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Extremists and Unconventional Weapons: Examining the Pursuit of Chemical and Biological Agents 2019-12-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Foundational Datasets: Global Chemical, Biological, Radiological, & Nuclear Data Suite & Portal 2025-01-02T12:00:00 START Reports
Gauging the Threat 2013-08-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Islamic State Chemical Weapons: A Case Contained by its Context? 2018-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Islamist Use and Pursuit of CBRN Terrorism 2008-11-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Modeling Terrorist Attack Cycles as a Stochastic Process: Analyzing Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Incidents 2020-08-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Motivations, Mechanisms and Determinants of Terrorist Technology Transfer 2017-10-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Non-State Actors, Terrorism, and Weapons of Mass Destruction 2005-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Pick Your POICN: Introducing the Profiles of Incidents involving CBRN and Non-State Actors (POICN) Database 2019-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Profiling the CB Adversary: Motivation, Psychology and Decision 2017-09-01T12:00:00 Research Brief
Profiling the WMD Terrorism Threat 2009-08-01T12:00:00 Book Chapter
Ricin Letters Mailed to President and Senator 2013-04-01T12:00:00 Background Report
Risk Analysis of Chemical, Biological, or Radionuclear Threats: Implications for Food Security 2009-06-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
South Africa's Project Coast: "Death Squads," Covert State-Sponsored Poisonings, and the Dangers of CBW Proliferation 2006-01-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
START Annual Meeting 2016: Quick-Fire Presentation - Unconventional Weapons and Technology, Political Instability, Risk Communication 2016-10-01T12:00:00 Presentation
Terrorism Risk and Optimal Policy Response: Theory and Empirics 2019-10-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The Curious Incident of the Bench in the Daylight 2018-04-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The DNI's Open Source Center: An Organizational Communication Perspective 2007-02-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The Interplay between Terrorism, Nonstate Actors, and Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Exploration of the Pinkerton Database 2005-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
The thin red line 2013-03-01T12:00:00 Op-ed
Tropical Nights, Burning Eyes: Chloropicrin in Hawaii 2024-09-10T12:00:00 Journal Article
Unconventional Weapons and Technology (UWT) Research Division 2018-10-01T12:00:00 Project Fact Sheet
WMD Terrorism Research: Whereto From Here? 2005-03-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
WMD Terrorism: The Once and Future Threat 2018-05-01T12:00:00 Journal Article
Title Sort descending
Apply Now: Summer Workshop on Teaching about Terrorism
Are U.S. chemical facilities still open to terrorist attacks?
Breiger turns regression models 'inside out'
CBRN terrorism by non-state actors
Current Job Opportunities at START
DARPA-SIGMA+ interns get a great start at START
Database spotlight: Big Allied and Dangerous (BAAD)
Islamic State Chemical Weapons: A Case Contained by its Context?
JOB OPPORTUNITY: START Special Research Projects IT Assistant
New project seeks to provide DARPA with ways to deter CBRN attacks by non-state actors
New study shows alliances and not religious ideology are key to forecasting CBRN pursuit
Research identifies most likely non-state chem-bio threats
Researcher Spotlight: Lauren Pinson
Researcher Spotlight: Ronald Breiger
START Advisory Board member quoted in "Daily Telegraph" and CNN
START Announces Fellowships for 2005-06
START intern serves her country by fighting disease and discrimination
START researcher presents paper on preventing illegal weapons trafficking in international waters at CBRNe USA Conference
START seeking 2014 Outstanding Article Award nominations
START workshop gives better understanding of CBRN technologies
START’s Steve Sin chaired CBRNe Asia 2014 conference
The Non-Conventional Threat CBRNe event series comes to America
UMD Report: Conspiracy theories fueled more terror attacks in 2020
Unconventional Weapons and Technology division announces upcoming CBRN Data Suite and Portal
Unconventional Weapons and Technology division launches CBRN Data Suite and Portal
Title Sort descending Job Title Institution
Gary Ackerman Gary Ackerman Associate Professor, SUNY Albany University at Albany, State University of New York
Boyd_Marcus Marcus A. Boyd Geospatial Research Unit (GRU) Director, START
Director of Graduate Studies, START
University of Maryland
Binder_Markus Markus Binder Project Manager/Researcher, START University of Maryland
Prabhakar misra Prabhakar Misra Professor of Physics Howard University
person-default Rebecca (Becca) Earnhardt PhD student
Research Associate, Stimson Center
University of Maryland
Guarrieri Thomas Guarrieri Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Assistant Research Scientist, Unconventional Weapons &
Technology (UWT) Division, START
University of Maryland
Clark tyler Tyler A. Clark Data Scientist, Doctoral Student University of Maryland
Asal_Victor Victor Asal Associate Professor of Political Science and Chair of Public Administration University at Albany, State University of New York